Friday, October 20, 2023

Sound Project

       Hi! This weeks assignment was to create a 1-2 minute scene that comprised of action that would actually happen in 1-2 minutes. We have to convey the scene using only sound including 4 of our own Foley sounds. We were instructed to create detailed outline of what sounds we were going to use. The project calls for layering to create a sense of realism in the sound. 
    My partner Agam and I started to brainstorm. We thought we could create a lot of layers if our scene was about a women closing up her bar. After multiple re-writes of our outline we finally got it down with full detail. First we had to create a detailed outline. This was hard because we didn't realize how much detail actually had to be put into it. After a few re writes we finally got it down. Here it is:
 We began to collect and create sounds for our project online. The 4 Foley sounds we made was the women walking, the sound of rain, placing down cups and sweeping. We used heals to create the women walking, poured rice to create the sound of rain, glass cups on concrete to create the sound of placing cups, and wet paint brushes to create sweeping sounds. 
    Our scene starts off with the women saying "last call" as people start to leave the bar. The women changes the music and locks the door as she starts to clean up. She finally is able to leave as she grabs her keys and zips up her coat to go outside into the pouring rain. She runs to her car and turns on her car. 
    Something that was difficult for us was to do was create a scene with a lot of layers. It took us multiple attempts to come up with a good, detailed idea. Something that we did well was collecting and putting the sounds together. Our project was able to flow smoothly once we got our idea perfect. 

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Final Reflection

     Wow. I can't believe this journey has come to an end. While working on this project I learned a lot. I learned about the process it...