Friday, September 22, 2023

Camera Shots Quiz

     Hi! Today, the assignment we were assigned was the "Camera Shots Quiz" project. Which was to create our own creative story using specific shots to demonstrate our idea and develop tone. We were instructed to use inanimate objects, use a minimum of 15 shots, and put everything into a PowerPoint presentation with a description of each shot and what it was used for in the story.

   First, my partner and I had to think of a story to do our project on. This was relatively one of the hardest parts for us. We understood the curriculum and the instructions for the project but just couldn't come up with any ideas for a story. Finally, we sparked the idea to use two highlighters to create a love story. We created a list of different shots and the context in which they would be used. Finally, we put it all together and created our PowerPoint presentation. We added the name of each shot used and a description of how it was used.

.    Reminiscing on the project, I think we did well, but there was room for improvement. We spent a lot of time focusing on the plot of the story rather than the quality of the shots. We ended up being a little rushed to complete the shots. If I were to do this project again, I wouldn't overthink the story line as much and focus more on the quality of my shots. Although we did rush, we did well conveying the story and describing the shots within the PowerPoint. Since we understood the shots and how they're meant to be used, completing the power point was a piece of cake.

    Here's a link to my "Camera Shots Quiz" project:     

Camera Shot Quiz Power Point

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